לאה סובר

לאה סובר - Leah Subar
Like many women, you may have earned a Masters at ignoring your body's signals: Your stomach is in knots with worry but you pretend everything is okay; You feel tears welling up behind your eyes but your throat goes tight as you force yourself to keep a stiff upper lip; Your head feels like it might explode in rage but you keep quiet and reach for chocolate or a movie. And then it gets really complicated. Because when anger is denied, so is empowerment and forgiveness. When grief is dismissed, so is acceptance. When joy is squashed, life carries on without much oomph and WOW -- while anxiety and depression take center stage. In fact, anxiety and depression are the very best indicators that your body is carrying a load of stuffed-up, held back emotion. There's a better way to live... I specialize in working within the Jewish Orthodox community. It is my privilege to help you bring your healing -- and your life -- to a profound and meaningful new level using body-felt experience and emotion. This isn't about dancing any jig; it's about you, your emotions, and where STUFF is taking up too much space inside your body.
  • רמת הכשרה רשמית בגישת AEDP
  • הגדרת המקצוע והתואר
    מטפלת בתנועה
  • סוגי הטיפול המוצעים
    טיפול פרטני
  • אזורים בהן מוצע שירות הטיפול
    השרון ירושלים
  • שפות בהן ניתן לעבור את התהליך הטיפולי